Process Instruments (UK) Ltd. and its subsidiary companies, Process Instruments (IRL) Ltd. and Process Instruments (Projects) Ltd. and SAS Process Instruments are committed to environmental sustainability through its products, processes and operations. It will maintain full compliance with all national environmental legislation and where practicable, improve upon statutory requirements.
In particular the Company will;
- comply with all legal and company standards on environmental matters
- set environmental objectives and targets, and by measuring and reviewing these, continually improve the company’s environmental performance
- promote to all parties associated with its business, including suppliers and customers, the need for compliance within this policy and due consideration of the environment
- promote a culture of environmental responsibility throughout the company
- meet its obligations with regard to providing publicly available environmental information to its customers
- use renewable resources in a sustainable manner, and work to minimize its impact on non-renewable resources
- ensure a commitment to pollution prevention through the correct handling, storage and management of raw materials, products and wastes at all sites
- provide sufficient management time and other resources to ensure the implementation of this policy
- operate effective management systems including managing the environmental impact of all aspects of the company in accordance with ISO 14001
- make this policy available to the public on request, and via the company website
Signed by: Mike Riding (Managing Director)
Date: 23rd October 2019
Review Date: October 2020